Uchuba | converse | Click-to-Call Solution – Click-to-Chat Solution

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We add that extra bit of website stickyness with our bespoke website ambassadors. Engage site visitors with targeted marketing videos. Read more...

Experience interactive conversations with your website visitors when it matters. Our voice and chat solutions aim to increase sales leads and enhance customer service satisfaction. Read more...

Gain key insights into your website visitors experiences by using our analytics solution. Discover why some visitors are not converting and reduce those bounce rates. Read more...

Want to be ahead of your competitors? Want to know more about your customers? Want to realize hidden opportunities? Then you need to be chatting to us. We have plucked from the cloud, best in class Software-as-a-Service based online video engagement marketing, lead generating conversations and customer converting workbench, and made it easy to implement with the assistance from our consultative services. We offer a solutions suite that empowers staff and management with multi-modal tools that will increase sales and enhance customer satisfaction.


Our value propositions are centered around your organization's online marketing, sales and customer service enablement campaign requirements. Uchuba's easy to adopt and highly elastic solution suite caters to the emerging trend towards what we've termed 'Personable Online B2B|B2C Interactions'. Uchuba's solutions helps you unlock hidden potentials, by giving you the appropriate workbench to tap into latent revenue opportunities your existing website traffic represents.


By enabling direct proactive or passive online communications modes between B2B|B2C, we allow you to execute a few other things your competitors are not doing, and that's the ability to Engage, Converse and Convert your site visitors in real-time when they are the most receptive to your product or service offerings.



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